tak ada keinginan kecuali kt mengharapkannya,tiada cinta kecuali kita mewujudkannya,tiada takdir kecuali kita membuatnya,dan tak kan ada apa apa klu kita tak membuatnya,
yg berarti itu hanya sesuatu yg ku anggap penting,dan yg kuanggap penting itu hanya sesuatu yg ku anggap brarti, utk diri dan hidupku dimasa kini dan masa yg akan dtg,
tak perlu anda mengeluhkan keinginan yg anda harapkan didepan orang yg hanya mampu melihat dan mendengar saja,bila anda ingin berusaha mendapatkan impian itu,brtanyalah pada hati dan fikiran anda sendiri,jika anda mampu,,jalankan dgn membawa niat dan tekat tnp hrs melihat keblakang jk tak perlu,,mungkin sprti itu,andai... bnr,,mfkn aku bila tak seharusnya bgitu''
kadang kita sulit untuk menentukan mana yg lebih pantas dihargai antara cinta dan persahabatan,tp,,brother bilang,,jika salah satunya ada yg terbaik untuk bisa disikapi,mungkin itu lah bagian dari apa yang ada dalam kesadaran diri,krn sgala sesuatunya ada pada hati dan fikiran kita untuk menentukan sesuatu yg kita anggap pantas tuk di sempurnakan,
tamu rahasia''ku inginkan dia ada diujung harapan,,ku tau dia bersembunyi dibalik mpi,,dn dia ingin agar aku tak berhenti mencari diprjalanan ilusi,''tamu rahasiaku,''dialah wujud misteri,,ku tau dia masih menanti meski tak disini,namun aku percaya,meski tak ada janji dlm perencanaan hati,tamu rahasiaku,,''ku takkan br...henti mencarimu diujung harapan mpi'
brother bilang,''kita akan tau letak kesungguhan cinta sejati yg kita inginkan,mungkin ketika seseorang itu mpu menerima sesuatu yg tak pernah ia pikirkn tntang kita,mgkin ktika seseorang itu mampu tuk ihklas dan tulus menerima kekurangan baik diri atau pun keadaan kita,,''apa diantara kita mampu tuk smua itu?''jk bnr,...,brti kita lah yg trhebat utk sgala cinta,,
kita tak kan pernah tau ahir cinta itu,sekali pun kita sudah mendapatkannya,dn belum tentu cinta itu mpu mbri kita kbahagiaan di ahir kisahnya,tapi cita cita,,kita kan tau hasilnya bila kita berusaha mengejarnya,dan kita kan tau,cita cita akan mbuat masa depan kita lbih brti bla sudah mendapatkannya,,
kadang kita menemukan satu keinginan dlm dua pilihan,antara cinta dan cita cita,''ktika kita menghampiri salah satunya,pasti ada saja yg tak berpihak diantaranya,krn jika memilih cinta,maka cita2 akn trgendala,bila kita mmilih cita2,crita cinta akn trtunda,brother blg,''jk cinta bagian utma dlm hatimu,maka bwalah ia dl...m mggapai cita cita utk kbahagiaan brsama dgn impian masa dpn yg lbih brti,
dia temui kelemahanmu dari satu kebohongan,ketahuilah,,pintar bkn berarti hebat,bodoh bukan berti tak mampu berfikir,,jk slama ini kau menilainya org terbodoh,itu ksalahan besar,,krn trkadang penipu bs berpura2 bodoh,dan kini kau tlah trtipu,,cb kau pikir,,siapa sbnarnya yg paling bodoh dlm cerita itu,
anggap keinginan itu sbiji intan yg brharga,bila sdh mndptkan nya,gunaknlah nilainya sbgai mlunasi lelahnya pencarian itu,jika impianmu tlah kau anggap smpurna,jdkn intan it mnjadi biji2 prmata,kmudian bagikan pd mreka yg gagal meraihnya,smga prmata it mpu mbangunkn jiwa mrka utk kmbali mngjar impiannya,ktahuilah ssung...guhnya hti adlah prmata yg tak trnilai hrganya,,trs kan cita cita mu nak''
ucapn dan sikap kita tdk mengenal batas waktu,sprti angin yg trus brgemuruh, sprti musim yg trs brgantian,bebas apa saja utk brsuara,bebas apa sja utk dirasa,tp apa kita prnah brfikir bila tiba2 jantung kita brhenti?bebas it hlg tiada sisa,'brother bilang,ucapn yg slah adlah dosa bagi yg mngrti,sikap yg brlebihan adlah... petaka utk diri,sadarlah bhwa tuhan msih mengikat kita dr kebebasan ini,maka jdlah hidupmu lbh brti
tak perlu membanggakan diri dgn hadirnya kasih sayang yg kita temui hari ini,karna kebahagiaan hari ini belum tentu sama dgn apa yg kita fikirkan di hari esok,
terkadang cinta tak pernah tau apa yg terbaik untuk dia miliki,ada cinta yg hanya mampu merasakan apa yg ia jalani,hanya berfikir mendapatkn apa yg dia mau,tnp menyadari apa yg akan trjadi,,seharusnya kita butuh berhati hati,''brother bilang,,cinta itu sprtimentari ,tak pernah memilih apa yg disinari,,
nafsu yg mengatakan cantik,,nafsu yg mengatakan menarik,,krn mata dtg melirik,
dan hati hanya mengatakan apa yg dirasakn it trbaik,,,dan hati jg yg hanya mengatakan apa yg dirasakan buruk,
jika kita trlalu memikirkan cinta yg blm ada ikatan pasti,itu akan mbuat kita bodoh dlm kegelisahan yg tak brti,bawalah kisah cintamu dgn suasana yg biasa biasa saja skli pun dia adlah yg tr istimewa dlm hidupmu,,krn sahabat bilang,,cinta sejati belum tentu abadi,dn untuk cinta,,smoga yg menjalani kan slu baik baik saja,
kejujuran tak semuanya bisa buat kita percaya,kebohongan juga tidak semuanya salah,ada sebab yg melahirkan akibat,ada alasan krn memiliki bukti,jika masalah awal perbuatan,gunakan mata hati untuk menjalani yg trbaik,pikir itu pelita hati,jika yg kita prjuangkan itu adalah benar,,maka bawalah iman kita utk ttp bertahan,
kenapa harus ada kata CEMBURU dalam kalimat CINTA,kenapa harus ada kata SAYANG dalam bahasa CINTA,kenapa harus ada SENYUM dalam perjalanan CINTA,kenapa harus ada AIRMATA dalam kisah CINTA,karna cinta lah yg mengenalkan kita arti suka duka kehidupan yg sebenarnya,dn cinta lah yg akn membimbing kita utk bs belajar megha...rgai dan utk dihargai bagi yg bs sling menghormati sesamanya,
tempat yang gak pernah kosong meski sudah terisi dgn sgala apa yg ada didunia adalah nafsu,dan keinginan,pepatah cinta bilang,,sekali pun batu berubah menjadi emas manusia tak kan pernah merasa puas,bagiku itu sudah bagian dari prinsip kehidupan,krn nafsu sudah menguasai iman hingga kita tak menyadari bhwa hal yg tak trnilai itu adalah diri kita sndiri,
kita tak kan prna bisa melupakan apa yg disebut kenangan,meski kesan masa lalu itu bukan bagian yg berharga utk ditrima dlm hati,kadang peristiwa singkat yg kita anggap biasa,dpt menemukan kita pada satu keistimewaan yg tak trnilai,dan itu ada pada rahasia hati kita yg menjalani masa lalu itu sndiri,
brother bilang,''wujudkan keinginan mpimu dinyatanya hidupmu,dn jangan mewujudkan mpimu hanya diatas angan angan,,kalau anganmu hanya slu berujung mpi,,lebih baik tidur aja,
pilih satu diantara dua hati yg sudah kita anggap nilai trbaik dlm hidup kita,sahabat bilang,,,aku ada cara untuk menemukan pilihan itu,caranya,,aku akan merubah sikapku dgn gaya membosankan dihadapan dua hati trsbut,dan disaat itu aku akan lihat,mana yg mampu brtahan dn sabar dlm prubahan sikap trsebut,bila ada diantaranya,maka dia lah pilihan yg sebenarnya,,
dia bilang,''kini ada dua hati yg sudah menyatu dlm hati ku,aku tak ingin dua hati itu terlepas dari hidupku,namun aku khawatir bila dua hati itu tau selama ini senyumku tlh trbagi dua,@aku brkata,''jika kita bs mngawali langkah itu dgn baik,maka brsahalah mnghentikan langkah itu dgn sempurna,kjujuran terahir it lbih baik drpda menyimpan senyum namun mbwa beban luka ditengah jln,,
bila kita tak bs menerima dia sbagai kekasih,,g ada salahnya kita menghargai dia sebagai teman,g baik bila kita selalu menyimpan diam tanpa sebab,krn ada jln lain utk mnuju arah yg bs kita jdikan smpurna dlm langkah itu,
terkadang ucapan lama yg dah dianggap usang bs membawa kita berfikir disaat ini,ada sebab yg trjadi dr kalimat masa lalu yg tnp kita sadari tiba2 dtg menyelimuti hidup kita dimasa kini,tp apa kita akan benar2 mngrti jika kalimat yg trcap itu adlah yg dilahirkn oleh hati,?hmm,kini aku baru tau,,doa adalah cerita yg tiada ahir,
mengharap cinta yg biasa biasa saja,mengharap cinta yg apa adanya,mengharap cinta yg cukup tanpa meminta lebih,''hmm,,lidah tak bertulang,itu lah bahasanya,sgalanya bs diungkapkan tanpa syarat,tp dikenyataan cinta,smua itu tak ada,,,malah yg sudah lebih pun dianggap kurang istimewa,
aku punya alasan untuk mundur,''buat apa maju untuk ancur,,
aku punya alasan knp kusebut ancur,''krn mata hatimu sudah kabur,
aku punya alasan kpn mata htimu kusebut kabur,''krn sikap baikmu sprti sudah trkubur,
dan malah tingkahmu kau pelihara menjadi subur,,
bulan itu jauh,,tapi kita masih bs menatap wujud dan chyanya,bintang itu jauh dn terlihat kecil diatas sana,tapi kita masih bs trhibur oleh indah warna chayanya,kau dan aku juga jauh disebrang sana,tp jauhnya jarak bukan brti penghalang dlm menyatukan hati utk cinta yg sesungguhnya,,
saat kita berjalan,mgkin kita lp hitungan langkah2 yg tlah trlewati,bhkan ketika duduk pun mgkin kita tak mngrti apa arti lelah dimusim tadi,kita hnya sadar saat rasa yg menyelimuti diri dtg menghampiri,kemudian ketidak berdayaan hasrat mghantar kita pada langkah trahir,,melelapkan tidur lalu brharap mentari hadir mnyambut pagi,
kadang kita berfikir ingin secepatnya menatap dan berdiri diatas masa depan,tp liku liku kehidupan masih terlalu panjang utk bs kita tempuh dn menemukan harapan itu,aku brfikir bahwa suasana yg slu jadi misteri ini seperti mpi,bisa datang tanpa ada perencanaan hati,tp knp hnya mpi yg bs kita lihat dlm bayang2 ilusi,
sgala rsa itu kita temukn dlm hti,sgala keinginan itu kita temukn dlm
fikiran,hanya masa depan saja yg blm kita tau,''alam tlah mberikn
hartanya pd khidupn,dunia tlah mnunjukkan kita jalan masa depan,tapi
kenapa masih saja kita tak mengetahui apa isi didalam masa depan
itu,hmm,,begitu tertutupnya rahasia alam ini siapa... pun tak mampu
memprediksi nasibnya,,
aku slalu mencari cerita hatimu yg slama ini masih trsembunyi dibalik detakan jantungmu,,tapi kau tak pernah memperhatikan lelahku dalam pencarian cinta ini gadisku''tunjkkanlah aku pada satu kata kejujuran yg kau simpan dalam prasaanmu untukku,,agar aku tahu dmn letak arti sebuah pencarian itu,
kenali lah cinta itu dgn mata hati,pahamilah cinta itu dgn fikiran yg kita jadikan pelita hati,bimbinglah cinta itu dgn mempersatukan iman suci agar ttp abadi,''amarah dan ego bisa saja kita bawa dlm menunjukkan tindakan,tp hadirkanlah kesabaran dlm menuntun iman agar pertahanan cinta dpt trbina dgn smpurna hingga kearah tujuan yg lbih baik
kalau kamu menganggap cinta yg kucari hanya krn rasa,mungkin slama ini aku tak prlu memikirkanmu,kalau kamu menganngap kasih sayg ku trhadapmu hanya jebakan cinta,mungkin slama ini aku tak perlu pedulikanmu,''kalau cinta yg slama ini palsu,mgkin dr awal aku bs saja menipumu,kasih,,cobalah utk lebih dewasa dlm menyikapi sgla sesuatunya,
dlm kesibukanmu,mungkin aku bkn lah yg trpenting dlm hidupmu,tp jika cintamu masih untukku, luahkan lah sdikit waktumu untukku meski hnya sksdar mengingat aku tanpa hrs bertemu,
secangkir kopi terahir,''malam ini ada cerita yang sesaat akan usai,malam ini ada kisah yang sesaat akan terhenti,dari angan sribu pagi,dari lelahnya petang yang
berlari,walau keinginan tak terwujud, biarlah ilusi terus bergulir dalammenggapai mimpi,salam hangat selalu untuk sebuah nama,semoga mimpimuindah malam ini,
bagiku mencari keinginan itu tak ubahnya seperti mencari sebiji jarum ditumpuan pasir,,tapi bagi dia itu tidak lah benar,''ssungguhnya harapan itu slu ada dn terlihat oleh mata hati,sudah terbenam dlm fikiran,,bila kita yakin,gak ada yg sukar utk menjalaninya,tp klu keinginan itu hanya dibawa utk brfikir tp tak dijalani,sampai kapan pun kita akan ttp seperti ini,,By:ikabal ali pirdansyah
Monday, October 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Significance in view of Islamic Terrorism
meaning of terrorism in the Islamic view
Author: Ustadz Abu Muhammad Al Dhu'l-Qarnayn
Fatwa Fatwa, 20 November 2006, 00:58:38
Fatwa Sheikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Al-Hady Madkhaly
In his book entitled Al-Wa Irhab Atsaruhu 'alal Afradi Wal Umam (Terrorism and its impact on individual and community), he wrote a fascinating discussion in deciphering the meaning and legal terrorism. The following are his words:
"People in the use of the word Irhab are on two poles and one (the other-pen.) Are in the middle:
First Pole: The enemies of Islam and its Muqollid (pengekornya) to expand the use of the word irhab. And they began to hum-dengungkannya with redundant and use it for every person who iltizam (sticking) to the religion of Islam from the scholars rabbany (educator), preacher, preachers who improve (people) who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, who invite to goodness and munkar and prevent it from competing in his favor. As they also use it for other than their (above) from people who claim to be preachers, but preachers of Islam will walk on the streets of stupidity in Iltizam to invite people to Islam and shari'ah laws' atnya-by-prejudiced. This common use of them (scholars rabbany-pen.) And they (preachers, false preachers, pen.) Certainly did not set (read: not accepted) by the Shari'ah and common sense, even there is no doubt that It is a form irhab of them in the name of fighting terrorism and humiliating the perpetrators with a view to discredit the great Islam, adherents debase and crush their rights so that the enemy (Islam) with slogans such devious deliver them to target prevents people to convert to Islam who do not have a good life for human beings throughout the universe except in its shade. Because Islam is the religion of truth, cover, removal and replacement of all religions descended from the sky. Allah does not accept from anyone other than an agamapun, not (well received) from the Arabs, 'Ajam (other than Arabic), nor Jewish, nor Nassara of any religion other than Islam is a hanif, a proposition the word of God Ta' ala:
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام (آل عمران: 19)
"Surely the religion (the blessed) with Allah is Islam". (Surah Ali 'Imran: 19).
SWT and His Word:
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين (آل عمران: 85)
"Anyone looking for a religion other than Islam, it occasionally will not be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose". (Surah Ali 'Imran: 85).
And Shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam:
والذي نفس محمد بيده لا يسمع بي أحد من هذه الأمة يهودي ولا نصراني ثم يموت ولم يؤمن بالذي أرسلت به إلا كان من أصحاب النار
"By the soul of Muhammad in His hand, none of the ummah (people) is that I heard (was sent), both Jewish and Nassara then he died and did not believe what I was sent to him, but he must be a resident hell ". (Muslim HSR. 153).
And his saying:
والذي نفسي بيده لو كان موسى حيا ما وسعه إلا أن يتبعني
"For the soul is in the hands of his case (the Prophet) Moses' life, surely there is no breadth (pilihan-ed.) for him but to follow". (Narrated by Ahmad: 3/387).
Then he said: "The second Pole: They are extreme in denying (read: eliminate) all forms of irhab and the perpetrators with the general disclaimer where they consider that it is woven irhab sentence (read: engineering) Jews and Nassara and the muqollid it from secular people and imitators lust according to limit their expression.
People who are extreme in the Al-Irhab disclaimer, they are affected by the disaster at-Tanzimat (the rules) and the secret Hizbiyah groups to oppose all Islamic governments throughout nature, after they assumed that they (the government in the Islamic nation-pen.) are the ones who have disbelieved or do zhalim Fasiq again, because they arbitrate with other than what is revealed by God. Then they move to the strategy (plans) to overthrow the government by using a variety of ways inconsequential (Jawa-pen.) such as Al-Ightiyal (secret killings) against the government (authorities) and government officials, blasting in places general or specific place as a form of healing (wound care), and plots revenge hizbiyah according to their suspicion. And these actions led to the spread of instability in the society, the occurrence of shocks due to the security of what they susupkan to the society of real irhab form and thought, and there was shock at this age is known by friend and foe alike is because behavior-behavior that is empty of Al-Bashirah (science and charity which is true) and (blank out) back to the manhaj preaching to God in the direction of the noble Prophet.
Then he said: "And the middle of the apparent opinion of the texts and the rules of shari'ah jurists of the Salaf who honestly seek guidance from Allah, so impelled by God's right path and get the gift of useful knowledge that practice led pious in every age and every time and place and circumstance. (Opinion of it) is irhab with two forms (ie real irhab and thought-pen.) Is a real case that happened and no one would deny it and unless the people who have the deception and fraud on people to cover the Tanzimat (the rules) jama 'ah and their hizbiyyah groups. And (irhab) there are two types:
(First) Type of disyari'atkan. Nash Disyari'atkan according to the Book and the Sunnah is irhab against infidels and people munafiqin. As for the unbelievers to prepare forces for war to irhab them with weapons and took them to the threat irhab hard as the texts in the Book and the Sunnah. (Allah) Exalted says:
وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم من قوة ومن رباط الخيل ترهبون به عدو الله وعدوكم وءاخرين من دونهم لا تعلمونهم الله يعلمهم ... الآية.
"And prepare against them what force you sanggupi and of horses tethered to the war (which is the preparation that) you irhab enemy to Allah and your enemy and others besides them that you do not know; being God knows ". (QS.Al-Anfal: 60).
And preparations are derived from Islamic countries with the honor that Allah has given a guardian (leader) who arbitrate with the Book and the Sunnah and has raised the banner of jihad by the entire meaning of the phrase contained in the jihad when it has fulfilled its terms and loss of barrier-barrier. Not an inconsequential manner that will destroy and not build up, damaging and did not improve.
As for those hypocrites, then they are irhab of the proof and argument so carefully plucked them up to their throats, because they think that every cry is against them. They are the enemy (the real), so beware of them, may Allah destroy them. How are they deluded (of truth)?
And so it came from the holy Sunnah on how irhab Muslims, Mu'min and Muhsin the disbelievers, hypocrites and people who are arbitrary (ie) with swords, spears, proof and argument . And it was apparent that the battle of courage when they met in the field of two forces: the army of faith and the magnitude of the heathen army and the people who exceed the limits as known in siroh (living history) Shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam and Khulafah Al-Rashidun Fatihin (opener Islamic territories) and who is walking on their way from among those who believe they no longer strive and hold perubahan-perubahan/penggantian. So this is a very clear case where it does not require a lot of arguments and explanations.
(Both) And the type that is not allowed at all, which is previously described in detail along with examples and a variety of forms in the various issues. And this is the right type for the named with the name irhab (teroris-pent.) because in it there is provision / causes of fear and scare either directly or by ma'nawi ".
THE BIG ULAMA FATWA addressing terrorism
Seeing the terror events that occurred in various countries, especially those accused of it is identical with that noble shari'ah holy nan, saw much confusion among the Muslims due to doubtful (bias) and the poison infiltrated by the enemies of Islam on terrorism and see one "translation" of terrorism and the wrong place sentences. So we lifted the fatwas of the scholars of which is a lantern in the middle of the pitch and the group continued to show the truth in every age mutawatir as in the hadith, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي ظاهرين على الحق لا يضرهم من خذلهم حتى يأتي أمر الله وهم كذلك
"Constantly there are a bunch of my people that they remain visible on the truth, they do not harm those who revile them to come the Divine (the Day of Resurrection) and they are in such circumstances".
This paper as well as an explanation of the nature of the Islamic shariah is noble and great.
And this paper also as a rebuttal to those who are full of abject thoughts wander astray and stained with mud distortion of Islam's name with the act of terrorism.
And as a rebuttal to those ignorant and stupid that presents itself as a fatwa that dare utter a statement that identifies Islam with terrorism.
And even stranger this dirty words out of people who considered themselves Ahlus Sunnah. Listen to sentence the offender to flatter the WTC bombing and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001: "Attack of the heroic courage of the youth who were disappointed with the pride of the United States" and also refer to other words "If you ask us: How to attacks on America, then we said that the way it is not true in the eyes of the Shari'ah. Osama is most likely behind the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. Although suicide is the wrong way, for our true goal. We provide "applause" to the target like that ".
We lift this paper hopes to restore the Muslim religion and elevating them straight in the world and the Hereafter. Amin.
Kaafir division in Islam
Infidels in Islamic law there are four kinds:
First: Infidel Dzimmy, that the heathen who pay the jizya (tribute) is collected each year in return bolehnya they live in the land of the Muslims. Infidels like this should not be killed while he was still obeying the rules that apply to them.
Many arguments that demonstrate this include the word Allah Al-'Aziz Al-Hakim:
قاتلوا الذين لا يؤمنون بالله ولا باليوم الآخر ولا يحرمون ما حرم الله ورسوله ولا يدينون دين الحق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب حتى يعطوا الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرون
"Fight those who do not believe in God and not (also) to the day later and they do not forbid what Allah has forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and no religion in the true (Islam), (ie the people) given the Book to them, until they pay tribute to them in a state of being obedient shogirun (lowly, lowly, obedient) ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 29).
And in the hadith narrated by Muslim Prophet Buraidah shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said:
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم إذا أمر أميرا على جيش أو سرية أوصاه في خاصته بتقوى الله ومن معه من المسلمين خيرا ثم قال أغزوا باسم الله في سبيل الله قاتلوا من كفر بالله أغزوا ولا تغلوا ولا تغدروا ولا تمثلوا ولا تقتلوا وليدا وإذا لقيت عدوك من المشركين فادعهم إلى ثلاث خصال فأيتهن ما أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم ثم ادعهم إلى الإسلام فإن أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فسلهم الجزية فإن هم أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فاستعن بالله وقاتلهم
"It is shollallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam when he lifted amir / head of his troops gave him so special will have fear of Allah and (wills to) those who were with him with kindness. Then he said: "you fight in Allah's way with the name of Allah, kill anyone who disbelieve in Allah, and fight you and do not steal the spoils of war and do not betray the promise and not do tamtsil (mutilate or mutilation), and do not kill the child and if thou meet thine enemy of the idolaters dakwailah them to the three cases, what they said of the three cases were then accept it from them and hold (hand) against them, summon them to Islam if they accept then accept it from them and hold (hands) against them, if they refuse then ask the jizya (tribute) from them and if they give then receive from them and hold (hands) on them, if they refuse then ask for the help of Allah and fight them ".
And in the hadith Al-Bukhary Mughiroh bin Syu'bah history he said:
أمرنا رسول ربنا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أن نقاتلكم حتى تعبدوا الله وحده أو تؤدوا الجزية
"We are governed by the Apostle of our Lord shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi to fight you till you worship Allah only, or you pay the Jizyah".
Second: the Infidels Mu'ahad, namely those who disbelieve that there was an agreement between them and the Muslims not to fight within the agreed time. And infidels like this should not be killed during their run to the agreements made.
Dzikruhu Allah Almighty says:
فما استقاموا لكم فاستقيموا لهم إن الله يحب المتقين
"So long as they apply istiqomah to you, let you apply istiqomah (also) against them. Truly Allah loves those who fear Allah ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 7).
And God said:
إلا الذين عاهدتم من المشركين ثم لم ينقصوكم شيئا ولم يظاهروا عليكم أحدا فأتموا إليهم عهدهم إلى مدتهم إن الله يحب المتقين
"Except those idolaters that you have entered into an agreement (with them) and they do not detract from anything you guys (from the agreement) and not (also) they help someone who is hostile to you, then they were to fulfill his promise to limit his time. Truly Allah loves those who fear Allah ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 4).
and Allah Jallat 'Azhomatuhu confirmed in His word:
وإن نكثوا أيمانهم من بعد عهدهم وطعنوا في دينكم فقاتلوا أئمة الكفر إنهم لا أيمان لهم لعلهم ينتهون
"But if they break the oath (promise) them after they promised, and revile your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, because surely they are the ones that can not be held to his promise, so that they stop". (Surah At-Tawbah: 12).
And shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi in the hadith of' Abdullah bin 'Amr Bukhary history:
من قتل معاهدا لم يرح رائحة الجنة وإن ريحها توجد من مسيرة أربعين عاما
"Who would kill infidels Mu'ahad he will not smell the smell of paradise and heaven is real smell of the traveling forty years".
Third: Infidel Musta'man, that the heathen who had guaranteed the safety of the Muslims or the majority of the Muslims. This kind of heathen also should not be killed along still in the security deposit.
Allaah says:
وإن أحد من المشركين استجارك فأجره حتى يسمع كلام الله ثم أبلغه مأمنه ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعلمون
"And if one amongst the Pagans ask thee protection, then protect it so that he could hear the word of God, then antarkanlah it to a safe place for him. Thus it caused them a people who do not know ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 6).
And in the hadeeth of 'Ali bin Abi Tholib radi' anhu, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi asserted:
ذمة المسلمين واحدة يسعى بها أدناهم
"Dhimma (promise, guarantee security and responsibility) of the Muslims is one, cultivated by the people at the bottom (even)". (HSR. Bukhary-Muslim).
Imam An-Nawawy said rahimahullah: "The desired dhimma here is Aman (security jaminam). Safe meaning that the Muslims to infidels are legitimate (recognized), then who granted him safe than it is haram for a Muslim (Muslims) are more bothered as long as he is still in the safe side ".
And in the hadith of Umm Hani 'history Bukhary he said:
يا رسول الله زعم ابن أمي أنه قاتل رجلا قد أجرته فلان بن هبيرة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قد أجرنا من أجرت يا أم هانئ
"O Messenger of her children (ie 'Ali bin Abi Tholib-pen.) Think that he should kill the people who have been protecting me (that) So and so bin Hubairah. Then the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said: "We protect those who protect thee, O Umm Hani'".
Fourth: Infidel Harby, the heathen besides the three above. This type of disyari'atkan infidels to be fought with the provisions stipulated in Islamic law.
Thus the division of the heathen by scholars such as shaikh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'iy, sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen,' Abdullah Al-Bassam and others. And for those who examine the books of fiqh from different schools of thought will find the truth in this division. Musta'an Allaah.
(Quoted from the writings of Abu Muhammad al Ustadz Dhu'l-Qarnayn, the original meaning of the title Terrorism In The Islamic Shari'ah and Ulama Fatwa Responding to Terrorism Large, URL and http sources http://www.an-nashihah.com/isi_berita.php?id=48 :/ / www.an-nashihah.com/isi_berita.php?id=44)
Author: Ustadz Abu Muhammad Al Dhu'l-Qarnayn
Fatwa Fatwa, 20 November 2006, 00:58:38
Fatwa Sheikh Zaid bin Muhammad bin Al-Hady Madkhaly
In his book entitled Al-Wa Irhab Atsaruhu 'alal Afradi Wal Umam (Terrorism and its impact on individual and community), he wrote a fascinating discussion in deciphering the meaning and legal terrorism. The following are his words:
"People in the use of the word Irhab are on two poles and one (the other-pen.) Are in the middle:
First Pole: The enemies of Islam and its Muqollid (pengekornya) to expand the use of the word irhab. And they began to hum-dengungkannya with redundant and use it for every person who iltizam (sticking) to the religion of Islam from the scholars rabbany (educator), preacher, preachers who improve (people) who believe in Allah and the Hereafter, who invite to goodness and munkar and prevent it from competing in his favor. As they also use it for other than their (above) from people who claim to be preachers, but preachers of Islam will walk on the streets of stupidity in Iltizam to invite people to Islam and shari'ah laws' atnya-by-prejudiced. This common use of them (scholars rabbany-pen.) And they (preachers, false preachers, pen.) Certainly did not set (read: not accepted) by the Shari'ah and common sense, even there is no doubt that It is a form irhab of them in the name of fighting terrorism and humiliating the perpetrators with a view to discredit the great Islam, adherents debase and crush their rights so that the enemy (Islam) with slogans such devious deliver them to target prevents people to convert to Islam who do not have a good life for human beings throughout the universe except in its shade. Because Islam is the religion of truth, cover, removal and replacement of all religions descended from the sky. Allah does not accept from anyone other than an agamapun, not (well received) from the Arabs, 'Ajam (other than Arabic), nor Jewish, nor Nassara of any religion other than Islam is a hanif, a proposition the word of God Ta' ala:
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام (آل عمران: 19)
"Surely the religion (the blessed) with Allah is Islam". (Surah Ali 'Imran: 19).
SWT and His Word:
ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين (آل عمران: 85)
"Anyone looking for a religion other than Islam, it occasionally will not be accepted (the religion) thereof, and in the Hereafter he is among those who lose". (Surah Ali 'Imran: 85).
And Shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam:
والذي نفس محمد بيده لا يسمع بي أحد من هذه الأمة يهودي ولا نصراني ثم يموت ولم يؤمن بالذي أرسلت به إلا كان من أصحاب النار
"By the soul of Muhammad in His hand, none of the ummah (people) is that I heard (was sent), both Jewish and Nassara then he died and did not believe what I was sent to him, but he must be a resident hell ". (Muslim HSR. 153).
And his saying:
والذي نفسي بيده لو كان موسى حيا ما وسعه إلا أن يتبعني
"For the soul is in the hands of his case (the Prophet) Moses' life, surely there is no breadth (pilihan-ed.) for him but to follow". (Narrated by Ahmad: 3/387).
Then he said: "The second Pole: They are extreme in denying (read: eliminate) all forms of irhab and the perpetrators with the general disclaimer where they consider that it is woven irhab sentence (read: engineering) Jews and Nassara and the muqollid it from secular people and imitators lust according to limit their expression.
People who are extreme in the Al-Irhab disclaimer, they are affected by the disaster at-Tanzimat (the rules) and the secret Hizbiyah groups to oppose all Islamic governments throughout nature, after they assumed that they (the government in the Islamic nation-pen.) are the ones who have disbelieved or do zhalim Fasiq again, because they arbitrate with other than what is revealed by God. Then they move to the strategy (plans) to overthrow the government by using a variety of ways inconsequential (Jawa-pen.) such as Al-Ightiyal (secret killings) against the government (authorities) and government officials, blasting in places general or specific place as a form of healing (wound care), and plots revenge hizbiyah according to their suspicion. And these actions led to the spread of instability in the society, the occurrence of shocks due to the security of what they susupkan to the society of real irhab form and thought, and there was shock at this age is known by friend and foe alike is because behavior-behavior that is empty of Al-Bashirah (science and charity which is true) and (blank out) back to the manhaj preaching to God in the direction of the noble Prophet.
Then he said: "And the middle of the apparent opinion of the texts and the rules of shari'ah jurists of the Salaf who honestly seek guidance from Allah, so impelled by God's right path and get the gift of useful knowledge that practice led pious in every age and every time and place and circumstance. (Opinion of it) is irhab with two forms (ie real irhab and thought-pen.) Is a real case that happened and no one would deny it and unless the people who have the deception and fraud on people to cover the Tanzimat (the rules) jama 'ah and their hizbiyyah groups. And (irhab) there are two types:
(First) Type of disyari'atkan. Nash Disyari'atkan according to the Book and the Sunnah is irhab against infidels and people munafiqin. As for the unbelievers to prepare forces for war to irhab them with weapons and took them to the threat irhab hard as the texts in the Book and the Sunnah. (Allah) Exalted says:
وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم من قوة ومن رباط الخيل ترهبون به عدو الله وعدوكم وءاخرين من دونهم لا تعلمونهم الله يعلمهم ... الآية.
"And prepare against them what force you sanggupi and of horses tethered to the war (which is the preparation that) you irhab enemy to Allah and your enemy and others besides them that you do not know; being God knows ". (QS.Al-Anfal: 60).
And preparations are derived from Islamic countries with the honor that Allah has given a guardian (leader) who arbitrate with the Book and the Sunnah and has raised the banner of jihad by the entire meaning of the phrase contained in the jihad when it has fulfilled its terms and loss of barrier-barrier. Not an inconsequential manner that will destroy and not build up, damaging and did not improve.
As for those hypocrites, then they are irhab of the proof and argument so carefully plucked them up to their throats, because they think that every cry is against them. They are the enemy (the real), so beware of them, may Allah destroy them. How are they deluded (of truth)?
And so it came from the holy Sunnah on how irhab Muslims, Mu'min and Muhsin the disbelievers, hypocrites and people who are arbitrary (ie) with swords, spears, proof and argument . And it was apparent that the battle of courage when they met in the field of two forces: the army of faith and the magnitude of the heathen army and the people who exceed the limits as known in siroh (living history) Shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam and Khulafah Al-Rashidun Fatihin (opener Islamic territories) and who is walking on their way from among those who believe they no longer strive and hold perubahan-perubahan/penggantian. So this is a very clear case where it does not require a lot of arguments and explanations.
(Both) And the type that is not allowed at all, which is previously described in detail along with examples and a variety of forms in the various issues. And this is the right type for the named with the name irhab (teroris-pent.) because in it there is provision / causes of fear and scare either directly or by ma'nawi ".
THE BIG ULAMA FATWA addressing terrorism
Seeing the terror events that occurred in various countries, especially those accused of it is identical with that noble shari'ah holy nan, saw much confusion among the Muslims due to doubtful (bias) and the poison infiltrated by the enemies of Islam on terrorism and see one "translation" of terrorism and the wrong place sentences. So we lifted the fatwas of the scholars of which is a lantern in the middle of the pitch and the group continued to show the truth in every age mutawatir as in the hadith, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi:
لا تزال طائفة من أمتي ظاهرين على الحق لا يضرهم من خذلهم حتى يأتي أمر الله وهم كذلك
"Constantly there are a bunch of my people that they remain visible on the truth, they do not harm those who revile them to come the Divine (the Day of Resurrection) and they are in such circumstances".
This paper as well as an explanation of the nature of the Islamic shariah is noble and great.
And this paper also as a rebuttal to those who are full of abject thoughts wander astray and stained with mud distortion of Islam's name with the act of terrorism.
And as a rebuttal to those ignorant and stupid that presents itself as a fatwa that dare utter a statement that identifies Islam with terrorism.
And even stranger this dirty words out of people who considered themselves Ahlus Sunnah. Listen to sentence the offender to flatter the WTC bombing and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001: "Attack of the heroic courage of the youth who were disappointed with the pride of the United States" and also refer to other words "If you ask us: How to attacks on America, then we said that the way it is not true in the eyes of the Shari'ah. Osama is most likely behind the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon. Although suicide is the wrong way, for our true goal. We provide "applause" to the target like that ".
We lift this paper hopes to restore the Muslim religion and elevating them straight in the world and the Hereafter. Amin.
Kaafir division in Islam
Infidels in Islamic law there are four kinds:
First: Infidel Dzimmy, that the heathen who pay the jizya (tribute) is collected each year in return bolehnya they live in the land of the Muslims. Infidels like this should not be killed while he was still obeying the rules that apply to them.
Many arguments that demonstrate this include the word Allah Al-'Aziz Al-Hakim:
قاتلوا الذين لا يؤمنون بالله ولا باليوم الآخر ولا يحرمون ما حرم الله ورسوله ولا يدينون دين الحق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب حتى يعطوا الجزية عن يد وهم صاغرون
"Fight those who do not believe in God and not (also) to the day later and they do not forbid what Allah has forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and no religion in the true (Islam), (ie the people) given the Book to them, until they pay tribute to them in a state of being obedient shogirun (lowly, lowly, obedient) ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 29).
And in the hadith narrated by Muslim Prophet Buraidah shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said:
كان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم إذا أمر أميرا على جيش أو سرية أوصاه في خاصته بتقوى الله ومن معه من المسلمين خيرا ثم قال أغزوا باسم الله في سبيل الله قاتلوا من كفر بالله أغزوا ولا تغلوا ولا تغدروا ولا تمثلوا ولا تقتلوا وليدا وإذا لقيت عدوك من المشركين فادعهم إلى ثلاث خصال فأيتهن ما أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم ثم ادعهم إلى الإسلام فإن أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فسلهم الجزية فإن هم أجابوك فاقبل منهم وكف عنهم فإن هم أبوا فاستعن بالله وقاتلهم
"It is shollallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam when he lifted amir / head of his troops gave him so special will have fear of Allah and (wills to) those who were with him with kindness. Then he said: "you fight in Allah's way with the name of Allah, kill anyone who disbelieve in Allah, and fight you and do not steal the spoils of war and do not betray the promise and not do tamtsil (mutilate or mutilation), and do not kill the child and if thou meet thine enemy of the idolaters dakwailah them to the three cases, what they said of the three cases were then accept it from them and hold (hand) against them, summon them to Islam if they accept then accept it from them and hold (hands) against them, if they refuse then ask the jizya (tribute) from them and if they give then receive from them and hold (hands) on them, if they refuse then ask for the help of Allah and fight them ".
And in the hadith Al-Bukhary Mughiroh bin Syu'bah history he said:
أمرنا رسول ربنا صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أن نقاتلكم حتى تعبدوا الله وحده أو تؤدوا الجزية
"We are governed by the Apostle of our Lord shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi to fight you till you worship Allah only, or you pay the Jizyah".
Second: the Infidels Mu'ahad, namely those who disbelieve that there was an agreement between them and the Muslims not to fight within the agreed time. And infidels like this should not be killed during their run to the agreements made.
Dzikruhu Allah Almighty says:
فما استقاموا لكم فاستقيموا لهم إن الله يحب المتقين
"So long as they apply istiqomah to you, let you apply istiqomah (also) against them. Truly Allah loves those who fear Allah ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 7).
And God said:
إلا الذين عاهدتم من المشركين ثم لم ينقصوكم شيئا ولم يظاهروا عليكم أحدا فأتموا إليهم عهدهم إلى مدتهم إن الله يحب المتقين
"Except those idolaters that you have entered into an agreement (with them) and they do not detract from anything you guys (from the agreement) and not (also) they help someone who is hostile to you, then they were to fulfill his promise to limit his time. Truly Allah loves those who fear Allah ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 4).
and Allah Jallat 'Azhomatuhu confirmed in His word:
وإن نكثوا أيمانهم من بعد عهدهم وطعنوا في دينكم فقاتلوا أئمة الكفر إنهم لا أيمان لهم لعلهم ينتهون
"But if they break the oath (promise) them after they promised, and revile your religion, then fight the leaders of disbelief, because surely they are the ones that can not be held to his promise, so that they stop". (Surah At-Tawbah: 12).
And shollallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi in the hadith of' Abdullah bin 'Amr Bukhary history:
من قتل معاهدا لم يرح رائحة الجنة وإن ريحها توجد من مسيرة أربعين عاما
"Who would kill infidels Mu'ahad he will not smell the smell of paradise and heaven is real smell of the traveling forty years".
Third: Infidel Musta'man, that the heathen who had guaranteed the safety of the Muslims or the majority of the Muslims. This kind of heathen also should not be killed along still in the security deposit.
Allaah says:
وإن أحد من المشركين استجارك فأجره حتى يسمع كلام الله ثم أبلغه مأمنه ذلك بأنهم قوم لا يعلمون
"And if one amongst the Pagans ask thee protection, then protect it so that he could hear the word of God, then antarkanlah it to a safe place for him. Thus it caused them a people who do not know ". (Surah At-Tawbah: 6).
And in the hadeeth of 'Ali bin Abi Tholib radi' anhu, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam wa alihi asserted:
ذمة المسلمين واحدة يسعى بها أدناهم
"Dhimma (promise, guarantee security and responsibility) of the Muslims is one, cultivated by the people at the bottom (even)". (HSR. Bukhary-Muslim).
Imam An-Nawawy said rahimahullah: "The desired dhimma here is Aman (security jaminam). Safe meaning that the Muslims to infidels are legitimate (recognized), then who granted him safe than it is haram for a Muslim (Muslims) are more bothered as long as he is still in the safe side ".
And in the hadith of Umm Hani 'history Bukhary he said:
يا رسول الله زعم ابن أمي أنه قاتل رجلا قد أجرته فلان بن هبيرة فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم قد أجرنا من أجرت يا أم هانئ
"O Messenger of her children (ie 'Ali bin Abi Tholib-pen.) Think that he should kill the people who have been protecting me (that) So and so bin Hubairah. Then the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wa wa alihi salllam said: "We protect those who protect thee, O Umm Hani'".
Fourth: Infidel Harby, the heathen besides the three above. This type of disyari'atkan infidels to be fought with the provisions stipulated in Islamic law.
Thus the division of the heathen by scholars such as shaikh Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi'iy, sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymeen,' Abdullah Al-Bassam and others. And for those who examine the books of fiqh from different schools of thought will find the truth in this division. Musta'an Allaah.
(Quoted from the writings of Abu Muhammad al Ustadz Dhu'l-Qarnayn, the original meaning of the title Terrorism In The Islamic Shari'ah and Ulama Fatwa Responding to Terrorism Large, URL and http sources http://www.an-nashihah.com/isi_berita.php?id=48 :/ / www.an-nashihah.com/isi_berita.php?id=44)
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